همکاری شرکت Schöck و Fiberline برای بهبود شرایط تولید میلگرد کامپوزیتی Combar

شرکت فایبرلاین Fiberline و شرکت مصالح و سیستم های ساختمانی شوک  Schöck به منظور گسترش مصرف میلگردهای GFRP در سازه های بتنی یک سند همکاری امضا کردند. اولین قدم این قرارداد ساخت یک کارخانه جدید در Halle آلمان است.

میلگردهای GFRP در سازه های بتنی بسیار کاربرد دارند از جمله می توان از آن ها در ساخت حوضچه های تصفیه فاضلاب، ساخت سازه های بتنی موقت، کف پارکینگ ها، اتاق MRI، سازه های نیروگاه برق و ... استفاده کرد. از این بابت است که شرکت شوک و فایبرلاین تصمیم دارند با انجام این توافق همکاری، استفاده از میلگردهای FRP در ساختمان های بتنی را تسهیل کنند. در ادامه خبر اصلی این همکاری که از سایت شرکت فایبرلاین برگرفته شده را ملاحضه می فرمائید:

Fiberline Composites and the German supplier of building components and systems Schöck AG have formed a joint venture intended to widen the use of glass fibre for reinforcement of concrete. The first task will be to establish a new factory in Halle, Germany.

The establishment of the new joint venture marks the culmination of a partnership that goes back more than 15 years. Back at the start of the new millennium Fiberline and Schöck jointly created Combar as a non-corrosive and ultra-strong alternative to traditional concrete reinforcement. Over the years Combar has gained ground in more and more markets. Today, Fiberline not only manufactures the product, but also markets and sells it in North America, while Schöck is responsible for marketing and sales in the rest of the world.

The time has now come for a new joint initiative by the partners to optimise conditions relating to Combar and its production.

Fiberline's CEO Peter Thorning:
"With the ambitious growth plans which Fiberline has made for the years ahead we need to free up capacity for other products here in Middelfart, Denmark. With the strong support of our partner Schöck we also see the opportunity to further accelerate the development of the Combar product for the benefit of our customers through a dedicated production setup."

The new joint venture and the future factory will be sited in Halle, Germany – the same location where Schöck today produces some of the components used in Combar. The factory is expected to start production in 2019, and until that time overall Combar production will continue to take place in Middelfart. This production will thereafter gradually be reduced in favour of additional products of the kind for which Fiberline is experiencing particularly heavy demand: reinforcement profiles for wind turbine blades, profiles for windows, doors and facades, and structural profiles for load-bearing constructions.

In the new joint venture Schöck will be represented with 75% and Fiberline with 25%.

From the left: Dr. Harald Braasch (Schöck), Peter Thorning and Thomas Stürzl Schöck

In 2016 the family-owned company Fiberline Composites realised revenue growth of more than 40% for the second consecutive year. In addition, the company has almost doubled its number of staff and today employs around 300 people.
