

SMAR 2017, the fourth International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, will provide a forum for international scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and infrastructure managers to present and discuss the state-of-the-practice and recent advances in testing and monitoring technology, in structural modeling and assessment methods, and in the application of advanced material for structural rehabilitation. The conference will provide a platform for exploring the potential of international cooperation.

SMAR 2017, the fourth International Conference, is organized by Empa and ITÜ and will be sponsored jointly by the International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII), the International Institute of FRP in Construction (IIFC) and Rilem.

Call for abstract for SMAR 2017 conference, the Fourth Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, which will take place at ETH Zurich from 13 to 15 September 2017,see the flyer.

You will find further details on the website

you can upload your conference abstract, using the template, not later than 30 December 2016, on the website. The abstract acceptance notification will be sent out on 31 January 2017.

Mirko Ros award for the best papers - 1 paper in the field of “monitoring and assessment” and - 1 paper in the field of “rehabilitation of civil structures” Selected best papers will be proposed for publication in the Polymer Journal (online, open access) or in a Journal Special Issue of the Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (Springer) dedicated to SMAR 2017 conference.

Conference chairs:

Prof. Alper Ilki: Istanbul Technical University

Prof. Masoud Motavalli: Empa Structural Engineering Department Switzerland

The following keynote speakers at the SMAR2017 conference:

Prof. Riadh Al-Mahaidi, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

“Advanced hybrid experimental/simulations strategies for safer structures”

Prof. Katrin Beyer, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland “Seismic retrofit of cultural heritage buildings – when less is more”

Prof. Sam Kono, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan “Efforts to develop resilient reinforced concrete building structures in Japan”

Prof. Stefano Pampanin, University of Canterbury, New Zealand “Title of lecture will be announced soon”

Prof. Oded Rabinovitch, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel “Dynamic modeling challenges in strengthening existing structures with advanced composites”

Prof. Mike Schlaich, Techn. Universität Berlin, Germany “lightness – carbon for bridges and roofs”

In addition to the conference topics, special sessions: - Strengthening, Monitoring and Life-cycle Assessment of Metallic Structures - and in honor of Professor Urs Meier's lifetime achievements: “25 years of CFRP in construction - materials from aerospace make career in civil engineering”



SMAR Template

May we draw your attention to the fact, that your abstract has to be uploaded by 31 December 2016, in order to participate in our conference SMAR 2017 at ETH Zurich.